Special educational needs

Coping Strategies
A poster displaying simple and easy to learn coping strategies for children - these include breathing techniques, grounding techniques, mind techniques and positive affirmations.

Friendship Social Story
Bella’s World of Friendship is a social story to support children who have insecure attachments with their friends/peers. Those children who become anxious about their friends liking them, wanting to play with them and be in their company. Bella explores her worries, discusses her independent coping mechanisms, rationalises these thoughts and talks to an adult about her concerns.

Coping Strategies Series: Deep Breathing
This PPT explains the power of deep breathing through scientific explanation. It teaches children how deep breathing calms us and why this could be one of the most impactful coping strategies they can use and develop.
As someone who has spent many years emotion coaching children, it has become apparent that giving them clear reasons/proof as to why something supports them leads to them believing in it’s purpose and use.
This resource also seeks to ask children to identify how their mind and body reacts to different emotions. The discussion will discover that deep breathing can support them to regulate any of their emotions.
*Note: whilst this is a scientific explanation, it is a basic explanation and therefore can be used with all ages. For younger children I tend to label the parts of their nervous system as ‘sad centre’ and ‘calm centre’. Older children can use the correct/scientific labels.

Social Skills - Friendship Support: Non-Verbal Communication
This PPT and Worksheet bundle discusses the importance of non-verbal communication. Understanding non-verbal cues is a key social skill and one that some children struggle to understand naturally. This lesson helps them to understand what they are and how to identify facial expressions/body language in order to interpret their surroundings. It also seeks to support their own non-verbal expression.